Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby on the way!

I am officially 13 weeks pregnant today! We are expecting a baby (my doctor thinks it's a boy) around Feb 2nd. I went Friday the 18th and got to hear the heartbeat, it was so exciting! As most of you know this will make the 3rd time within a year I have been pregnant so we were afraid to get too excited until we got past the 12 week mark. Thankfully the doctor found out that I had a blood clotting condition that was causing the miscarriages so I am taking shots of blood thinner twice daily in my stomach to prevent the clotting.
I wanted to post the picture from the ultra sound, but it didn't come thru on my computer very plainly. I'll keep everyone posted during the months ahead on our new little one!

Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Weekend

Here's a few pictures my mother-in-law emailed me this morning of the cookout we had at her house on the 4th. The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful, except we did set in the rain for a couple of hours to watch the Kingston fireworks. Lexi was more impressed with the ducks at the lake than the fireworks show. Chris and I worked a lot of the weekend on the house trying to clean mortar off windows... we have a wild life don't we!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Random Pictures

Here's some snap shots that were taken in the month of June. Lexi loves to go over to my mom's and play (torment) her cat Ruby. As you can see from the middle picture, Lexi has learned the art of making faces. She also loves to get her toes painted and will actually hold still while they dry. That & reading books to her are about the only two things she will hold still for!

Counting down the days....

We are counting down the days until we can move in!! The furniture is scheduled to be delivered on the 11th so please pray for us that the house gets finished before that, otherwise we will be living in a complete mess!