Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Change happens!

Well we've had a lot of changes in the past couple weeks.... We finally got moved! I cried like a big sissy the last time we drove away. Even thought our house was small and we were QUICKLY outgrowing it, I was very attached to it because of all the memories that were made there. The first two years of Lexi's life were spent there, plus it was our first house so it will always hold a special place. Plus, it didn't help matters much that we are now living in a duplex until our house is finished! I also cut all my hair off. I was just tired of my long hair and it took FOREVER to dry so I figured it was time for a change. Shocking enough, Chris actually liked it. He did not want me to get my hair cut, but finally gave in. He said if it would make me feel better about myself to go for it.... and I did.
Chris is also gone all week to Nashville for a consumer lending class. I miss him so much! I will be glad when Friday rolls around!
As you see, I posted a draft of our new house. It's just a rough sketch, but this is the general idea of how it should look. Our driveway was put in yesterday and as soon as it stays dry long enough for the footers to be poured we will be ready to go! I'm so excited about getting a new house.
Miss Alexis is working on her potty training and doing a dang good job I must add! The move didn't seem to affect her at all (to my surprise) I figured she would cry to go home but she seems to love running around the temporary place! Kids are much better with change than adults I'm starting to realize.

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