Friday, March 7, 2008

Farmer Lexi & a phone call from a famous person!

My in-laws took Lexi up to the farm behind their house yesterday to let her pet the cows. Virginia said Steve called the cows right up to the fence & Lexi LOVED feeding them potato chips! I thought these pictures are so cute of her & her Grandad petting the cows. Lexi is so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents that spend quality time with her. They do just about anything that they think Lexi might like.

By the way, I got to speak to a famous person on the phone yesterday! Like I mentioned in my last blog, Chris is in Nashville all this week. Well, he is getting to stay at the Vanderbilt Plaza since the classes are on Vanderbilt campus. He calls me up yesterday and says he is setting in restaurant at the hotel with John Michael Montgomery! I told him I didn't believe him so he put him on the phone! I'm currently dealing with an upper respitory infection so my voice sounds like a man at the moment... and here I am talking to a star. I had no clue what to say to him, I just drew a blank! He was very nice and joked around that he was trying to get a bank loan from Chris to buy a new tour bus. I thought that was pretty funny! I don't think he could really understand what I was saying because my voice sounded so bad, but I got a kick out of it just the same!

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