Monday, January 5, 2009

Baby Update......

Baby Shower for Emorie
My Aunt Susan had me a little shower at her house to celebrate Emorie being on the way. I told her I didn't want her to go to the trouble since this was my second child and it was going to be a girl, but those of you who know my aunt know she always does everything for me! Anyway, she said that Emorie deserved a cake and presents just like Lexi had so there was no use arguing!
Here's a little memorable moment I have to share (a tad gross as well).... Lexi had gotten sick the night before, but she hadn't thrown up for several hours so we decided to go ahead and take her to the shower. Well just as everybody got their food I was carrying her through the living room and the poor thing threw up all over my dress, some of the gifts and at one of the guests feet! Life full of little suprises!
Thanks for the shower, Susan. I really appreciate everyone that came and it was great to see you all!

Blanket from Heather with Emorie's name on it!

Emorie's new diaper bag with her name!

Cute little outfits from Holly & Joyce

Prettiest cake I've ever had!

Me @ 35 weeks pregnant!

1 comment:

Nichole Barton said...

That is the cutest cake ever! :)