Saturday, January 10, 2009

We're ready for Emorie Ruth to make her appearence!

This is what you call "ready to pop"
Emorie's Nursery

This will probably be my last baby post until Emories arrives, but just wanted to share some pics of the nursery and of course just how big I've wound up getting! These last days are getting pretty uncomfortable for me and as the time gets closer I'm getting more anxious to have her in my arms and out of my belly! Of course, I am trying to remember that these are also the last days of Alexis having all of us to herself and I want to cherish getting to focus all my attention on her before the baby comes. I am praying that Lexi is able to adjust to our new addition pretty smoothly, but time will tell!
Wish us luck in the next few weeks!

1 comment:

Virginia Barton said...

Yep, you look like you're gonna pop any minute! I have enjoyed looking at your postings; keep up the good work!